Publication: European Report
Publication Date: 29-MAY-04
Delivery: Immediate Online Access
Article Excerpt
The European Commission's May 26 document takes stock of the status of renewables in the EU: they have to be given fresh political momentum otherwise the targets cannot be reached. When tackled about this being the main shortcoming in the document, Loyola de Palacio ripostes that Directive 2001/77/EC on promoting renewable electricity and Directive 2003/30/EC, on promoting biofuels, are nothing less than firm gestures and realistic to boot. They are political decisions and regulations in the making, which are much more specific than declarations. "I'm loath to make empty commitments without saying how they will be met", she stresses, adding that this would have been extremely simple to do for her, as she's leaving the Commission in four months, "but it would not have been honest".