06 abril 2008

First informal meeting of Prodi´s Comission

The new European Commission designate, under the presidency of Romano Prodi, met informally for the first time at the "Kasteel Solhof" in Aartselaar (Belgium), 16 and 17 July 1999. After a business meeting, Romano Prodi gave a press conference followed by a presentation to the press of all the Members of the new College.


Group photo (from left to right): 1. row : Frits Bolkestein (Internal Market); Neil Kinnock (Vice-President / Administrative Reform); Loyola de Palacio del Valle-Lersundi (Vice-President / Relations with the EP, Transport, Energy); Romano Prodi (President); Viviane Reding (Education, Culture); Mario Monti (Competition); Pascal Lamy (Trade); Günter Verheugen (Enlargement) 2. row: Michel Barnier (Regional Policy); Philippe Busquin (Research); Franz Fischler (Agriculture, Fisheries); Chris Patten (External Relations); António Vitorino (Justice, Home Affairs); Margot Wallström (Environment); Michaele Schreyer (Budget); Anna Diamantopoulou (Employment, Social Affairs); David Byrne (Health, Consumers); Pedro Solbes Mira (Economic and Monetary Affairs); Erkki Liikanen (Enterprise, Information Society); Poul Nielson (Development, Humanitarian Aid)
CE | Aartselaar - Kasteel Solhof | P-002791/05-30 | 17/07/1999