09 septiembre 2010

Cátedra Loyola de Palacio en Florencia

The conference organizers are: Denny Ellerman (formerly of MIT in the USA - now part-time professor at the EUI and director of the CPRU) and Jean-Michel Glachant (Director of the Florence School of Regulation and holder of the Loyola de Palacio Chair in European Energy Policy).

The objective of the conference is to announce to gather elements of the European climate change policy community - government officials, academics, and industry representatives - for a discussion of the main topics and problems in EU climate policy. As the first such conference convened by EUI, this will also announce the start of the Climate Policy Research Unit at the Robert Schuman Center. Our intent is that this European Climate Policy Conference should become an annual event that the EU climate policy community will reserve on their calendars.

For further details, please download the preliminary programme.
