The Loyola de Palacio Chair of the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studied at the European University Institute (EUI) honors Loyola de Palacio (1950-2006) former Vice-President of the European Commission and EU Commissioner for Energy and Transport (1999-2004), having been a pioneer in the building of an EU Energy Policy. A great European, a decisive woman and a person wholly dedicated to the common good. The Loyola de Palacio Chair promotes research and debates in the area of energy policy. Its objectives are to produce informed and up-to-date analytical studies, and to promote informed discussion and publications on key issues such as market building, security of supply, climate change, zero carbon economy and society. It engages a fruitful dialogue between academics of all kinds (economists, lawyers, engineers and political scientists) and practitioners, decision-makers and the public opinion. The Loyola de Palacio Chair has organized in 2009 a series of workshops in Florence, Den Haag, Milan and Wiston Park. These workshops aim to define some "Smart EU Energy Policy" For more information see the "Research page" in our website See also the 1st Issue of our NEWSLETTER |